Hello everyone!

Thank you for participating in the Circuit Breaker hackathon and planning on using Iron Fish in your project. To be eligible for the prize, you must use some concept of a bridged asset. This tutorial will walk you through how to use the Sepolia <> Iron Fish testnet bridge with a test ERC20 coin.

If you wish to modify the bridge to use additional assets, this tutorial will walk through that as well.

For all questions, including requesting testnet funds, please join the #dev-developers Iron Fish channel on Discord or the partner-ironfish channel for EthGlobal

How to use the Sepolia <> Iron Fish Testnet bridge

Iron Fish Testnet Setup

  1. Install Iron Fish
    1. npm install -g ironfish
    2. Full installation docs: https://ironfish.network/use/get-started/installation
  2. [Optional — only for people who have previously used Iron Fish Node App or CLI for mainnet] Move your mainnet Iron Fish directory so you don’t lose mainnet chain db and hosts file
    1. mv ~/.ironfish ~/.ironfish-mainnet ← move your Iron Fish mainnet chain history from default location to a different folder
  3. Switch your Iron Fish node to use Skynet Testnet
    1. ironfish reset --networkId=2
  4. Start your node with a bootstrap node for Skynet Testnet
    1. ironfish start -b <https://ec2-35-80-15-73.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com>
    2. wait for it to sync
  5. [Optional] Mine some test IRON
    1. The hash rate for Skynet is very low, so you should be able to mine some blocks on a regular laptop in a short amount of time. Simply open up a new terminal tab, and use the built in miner command: ironfish miners:start . Note that it’ll only start mining once your node is synced.
  6. To check balance of your Iron Fish wallet (including all assets) use ironfish wallet:balances
  7. If you want to use the Node App (GUI Wallet) go ahead download and run it from here: https://ironfish.network/use/node-app
  8. The recommended blockchain explorer for this testnet is a community-run block explorer called oreoscan https://skynet.oreoscan.info/en

Iron Fish Bridge Repo Setup

We’ll need some custom CLI commands to make deposits from Iron Fish to Sepolia. For that, we’ll need the CLI command in the ironfish-bridge repo:

  1. Clone repo:

git clone [[email protected]](<mailto:[email protected]>):iron-fish/ironfish-bridge.git

  1. You’ll need Node and Yarn installed
  2. cd cli